Norma has written a modern parable about a young woman’s search for living “happily ever after.” You will long for Whosoever to find the Answer to her search.
Today’s woman lives in a confused, mixed-up society. Entertainment seems to dictate the values needed to live. God gives absolutes that are true for the desired peace and joy life can really give.
Proverbs tells us a merry heart is like medicine. Health experts agree. Laughter lifts us physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
There are many reasons to be called aside from what you are doing. Learn how God called others aside and is calling you in prayer.
“The glue that holds our family together.” That is how our older son describes our family devotion time. This conference gives the “why to’s” and the “how to’s” of gathering together to share and pray.
Being a friend takes work. That almost sounds cruel. Friends listen and help. That’s not always convenient or easy, but it is rewarding.
Realizing who you are and what you have instead of who you are not and what you do not have brings joy. Learn to live with gratitude for Jesus, Others and Yourself.
Scripture tells us that every Christian is given spiritual gifts through which he or she is motivated, even driven to serve God and others. Share a fun time of identifying actions of the body of Christ.
When hearing a sermon or reading the Bible, have you ever said, “I’ve never seen that before!” You knew those words were there, but the meaning came alive during different circumstances or ages in your life. God’s Word is Truth, but our hearts find that Truth continuously. The time spent in this conference will give you a method of growth for a lifetime.
The Bible gives us the command to be hospitable. This conference gives the distinct differences in entertaining and hospitality. You will learn the history of hospitality, practical ideas in hospitality, and the rich benefits of hospitality.
Think of the people who most influenced your life. How do you intend to be remembered by those who follow? God is interested in His ways being shown from generation to generation.
“Go ye therefore…” As a Southern Baptist, I learned about and learned to participate in missions at an early age. Don and I are presently appointed missionaries of the North American Mission Board. Learn how God is working in the Greater Dayton Association of Baptists, the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio or around the world.
This is a “show and tell” time of practical ways to help you show daily your love for Christ and for others in everything you do and every where you go. Fun and down to earth.
One constant in life is change. Circumstances, relationships and roles change. God is present through them all.
The Bible speaks of encouraging oneself in the Lord and of encouraging others. Learn nine simple ways to show your appreciation for someone.
Prayer provides the privilege of talking to God and listening to God. During this time together we look at Who God Is and What God does through prayer.